Откуда берутся психологические проблемы???


The human body is designed to last more than a hundred years. Why do so few people reach the century mark? Where do those reserves of strength and health that are intended for a long life go?
There are two main reasons that take away strength from the body and disrupt its functioning - the state of the environment and stress. A person is afraid of something for most of his life, often without even realizing it, and spends a lot of life energy, mental and physical strength to fight fears. Any fear - real or perceived danger - is stress for the body. In addition to fears, the source of many stresses are our own emotions, which have ceased to obey the arguments of reason.
In the head of each person there is his own, uniquely his, "virtual" picture of the surrounding world, which describes and explains everything that happens to him, to other people and to the surrounding nature. If the objective reality of life contradicts our idea of ​​how it should be according to the individual map of the world we have created, then stress arises, often quite strong.
In the system of human organization Consciousness - Subconsciousness - Body, as if in a flower garden, you can see how all the seeds that once fell into the ground sprout: both the beautiful flowers you planted and the weeds brought to your Garden by the wind of Life. Like these seeds - both desired and unwanted - the sensations of our entire life from early childhood and even the intrauterine period grow into our neural pathways. And we begin to live under their dictation: with whom to connect my life and by what rules, what I am worthy of in life and what I am not, etc.
And if you do not take care of the Garden of Your Life, it will be overgrown with anything. And the weeds of limiting beliefs and ideas about yourself and the world, the weeds of stress and fears will not allow the seeds of your possibilities and desires to sprout and turn into beautiful flowers of Freedom, Happiness, Self-realization of Your Life.
However, people with a tenacity worthy of a better use hold on to their beliefs and ideas, even if they are already outdated and periodically lead them to mistakes and disappointments. Often, justifying their inaction and saving their self-esteem, people remove responsibility for their problems from themselves and shift it to other people and external factors.
But is it worth it to so carefully protect rose-colored glasses that distort the world, and reduce all the multicolor of your own life to one single color?
Conscientious gardeners who value and love the Garden of their Life, take care of the Garden in a timely manner: they uproot weeds or unwanted plants and plant new ones that can decorate Life.
The same thing happens in psychological work: the psychologist together with the client uses various techniques to eliminate sources of fears, stress, limiting beliefs and outdated ideas to find the True Self.

Just be honest with yourself and life will be honest with you.